Episode 38: Unmistakable Confidence: Andrea Montreuil, Founder Innodelice

On today’s episode, I am interviewing Andrea Montreuil, Co-Founder and CEO of Innodelice. Innodelice is the first worldwide ecosystem for frozen desserts, manufacturers, brand owners, importers, and suppliers.

Andrea has more than 15 years of experience in the food industry, working in different spheres of the business from strategic sourcing to sales to operations. She is convinced of one thing: Cross-industry collaboration is what it takes to unlock new business value.

At Innodelice, Andrea shares her passion, her energy and worldwide connections (after all, people buy from people) for the mutual benefit of our partners.

Andrea’s Word: Confidence

Andrea and I were first introduced by a common friend, and the first time we met was for a coffee that was supposed to be 15 minutes. It ended up lasting a couple of hours and morphed into a long-lasting friendship, and led to us working together.

As you’ll hear in the episode, Andrea’s word is confidence. Born from the confidence her parents gave her when she was taking care of her younger siblings, to the confidence that her husband and kids have in her to find a solution. As she says, she can do hard things.

3:55 – Andrea shares her story being the oldest of 4 children, and how the trust both her parents and siblings put in her influenced her childhood

7:16 – She explains how she learned how to gain confidence at the beginning of her career, and how that changed as her career progressed and her expectations changed

10:38 – I ask her about her career path, how she progressed so quickly to a leadership level, to leaving and starting her own business

15:02 – Why Innodelice was created, and how Andrea leverages the ecosystem that she created to answer the challenges of the frozen desserts industry.

22:06 – On the coaching that she received that helped her clarify her purpose, and changed her career trajectory

28:53 – Her thoughts on entrepreneurship, what she finds easy and hard, and more on her support system

33:28 – Andrea’s three key takeaways: define yourself – the things you do, the things you love, and the environment you operate in – and work to make that as small as possible

You can find Andrea on LinkedIn, and her work at Innodelice

A lot of love went into this episode

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